The Foreward to Claudia’s Book
I wrote the forward to Claudia’s new book:
Foreward, by Me
Before I even met Claudia (on our first date) I knew that she was into yoga and that yoga was her life. For me, this was sexy. In my feeble understanding of what “yoga” meant I knew that Claudia was going to be healthy (or at least making a serious attempt at living a healthy life), I knew that she probably cared how she looked (don’t all yogis look beautiful and sexy, I thought?), and I knew that she probably had a spiritual side to her quest for a better life.
I was right on all counts. Then Claudia said towards the end of our first date, “so when do you start yoga?”
Whoah! Let me get back to you on that one.
But it was true, I needed to live a healthier life myself. We started dating and I knew I had to keep up. I started working out in a gym with a trainer. I was doing weights. But I was reading Claudia’s blog and I was getting attracted to some of the philosophical aspects.
“James is a yogi,” Claudia would tell her friends, “but he doesn’t know it yet.” And everyone would laugh. Me, most of all .
But then I got on the mat in August, 2010. Then we went to India in January 2011 and I started studying more intensively. I got into not only the physical practice but I was reading every book I could find on the spiritual practice. I felt my life improving.
My only regret now: is that I hadn’t read this book and started sooner. The only problem with that is that this book didn’t exist until today. Fortunately, you don’t have that problem.
I guest-edited there this weekend. Which means I picked six interesting links. Some of the links were:
– 6 Intimate things you can tell about a person just by looking at them.
– 10 reasons a woman’s brain is different from a man’s. Including a biological explanation of ‘women’s intution’ .
– Picture and description of the first laptop. 25 lbs.
– The biggest regrets of people in the last 12 weeks of their life.
Founders @ Fail.
I’ve giving a talk Monday evening titled “100 Ways to Fail”. I think there’s a $10 charge but I have nothing to do financially with the event. I just wanted to give the talk.

Another page from my upcoming comic book. This one is a page that comes out of my blog post: