Blog Category: Personal Development

Freeway Rick Ross: How to Manage Your Employees When They’re All Carrying Guns

“I’m the kind of person who is embarrassed to lie,” says ‘Freeway’ Rick Ross. Not the words you would expect to come from a convicted felon. Rick built an empire, a drug empire that…

“I’m the kind of person who is embarrassed to lie,” says ‘Freeway’ Rick Ross. Not the words you would expect to come from a convicted felon. Rick built an empire, a drug empire that is, the notorious LA crack cocaine empire. But the man who built this is not an evil man as you might suspect. He is charitable, […]

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Matt Barrie: How To Get Paid Doing What You Love

What are you best at? Whatever it is, you should do it more often and get paid for it, too. Unless if it’s sex. That’s illegal. Do you know the ultimate site…

What are you best at? Whatever it is, you should do it more often and get paid for it, too. Unless if it’s sex. That’s illegal. Do you know the ultimate site to choose yourself (besides It’s It’s “a global market for services” and “the eBay for jobs.” My guest today, Matt Barrie, […]

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Gretchen Rubin: Why being “not unhappy” is killing you

Is it morally appropriate to be happy? Yes, yes and yes! That’s a triple yes – not to be confused with a triple Claudia. Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, never…

Is it morally appropriate to be happy? Yes, yes and yes! That’s a triple yes – not to be confused with a triple Claudia. Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, never thought about happiness. Like most of us, she took happiness for granted. She wrote The Happiness Project because she wanted to appreciate what already made her […]

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Adam Grant: Are You a Giver, a Taker, or a Matcher?

“I have to make a confession to you,” I said. “At first, I was a little reluctant – and this is when I first started the podcast. Someone suggested I should have you…

“I have to make a confession to you,” I said. “At first, I was a little reluctant – and this is when I first started the podcast. Someone suggested I should have you on. I was a little reluctant because someone told me you say yes to everything.” “And at the time, I was writing a […]

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Sam Harris: The Conversation In Your Head

Episode 72: The Conversation In Your Head Before becoming an idea machine, I was boring. I was trapped in my head. I thought about the same problems over and over again: divorce,…

Episode 72: The Conversation In Your Head Before becoming an idea machine, I was boring. I was trapped in my head. I thought about the same problems over and over again: divorce, losing my job, going broke, losing my kids, being alone, drunken homelessness. I had no ideas. “We never get bored of our thoughts,” […]

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Dan Ariely: Dishonesty, Irrationality, and Money

This week on The James Altucher Show, I am joined by Dan Ariely. When Dan was a teenager, he was severely burned on over 70% of his body. He then spent the…

This week on The James Altucher Show, I am joined by Dan Ariely. When Dan was a teenager, he was severely burned on over 70% of his body. He then spent the next three years in the hospital enduring agonizing pain. His experience in the hospital led him down the path of exploring irrational behaviors. He […]

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James Manos: If your boss paid you to quit, would you do it?

If your boss paid you to quit, would you do it? That’s what happened to James Manos, writer and co-producer of The Sopranos and Dexter. He had a crappy job. Everybody starts…

If your boss paid you to quit, would you do it? That’s what happened to James Manos, writer and co-producer of The Sopranos and Dexter. He had a crappy job. Everybody starts with a crappy job. Some people climb up the latter to other crappy jobs. You have your reasons to not quit. Kids to support, a lousy mortgage to pay, […]

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