Blog Category: Personal Development

Tim Ryan: The Congressman Who Meditates

Ask yourself, “Am I feeling stressed?” Don’t think about your answer. Don’t judge it. Just recognize it. Recognize your stress. Say, “I notice I am feeling stressed.” Scan your body. Think about your…

Ask yourself, “Am I feeling stressed?” Don’t think about your answer. Don’t judge it. Just recognize it. Recognize your stress. Say, “I notice I am feeling stressed.” Scan your body. Think about your feet. Can you feel them? Can you feel the souls of your feet? Breathe. You feel what you think. If you’re mentally stressed, […]

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Adam Braun: How To Quit Your Job & Do What You Love

I’m ordinary.Any ordinary person can create extraordinary change.I qualify. You qualify, too. I learned this reading The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change by Adam Braun.…

I’m ordinary.Any ordinary person can create extraordinary change.I qualify. You qualify, too. I learned this reading The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change by Adam Braun. It’s a story about purpose. I don’t believe in having a life’s purpose. I said this before.But that doesn’t mean you can’t have […]

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Steve Scott: How To Go From $0-$40,000 a Month Writing From Home

“I’m on track to make about $40,000 just from this month,” says Steven Scott, a self-publishing tycoon. I am blown away by Steven’s success and so excited to share with you his…

“I’m on track to make about $40,000 just from this month,” says Steven Scott, a self-publishing tycoon. I am blown away by Steven’s success and so excited to share with you his secrets. His advice made a huge impact on my self-publishing career. You need two things: habit and authority. First: habit. Writing is a habit. […]

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