Blog Category: Inspiration

Ramit Sethi: What does it really mean to have a rich life?

Let’s play a game. Would you rather: a.) do the same thing and fail or b.) try something new and potentially fail? You like to think you’d choose b, but what do your actions…

Let’s play a game. Would you rather: a.) do the same thing and fail or b.) try something new and potentially fail? You like to think you’d choose b, but what do your actions say? Do you try new things or not? Are you a doer or a dreamer? Ramit Sethi, New York Times bestselling author of I […]

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Freeway Rick Ross: How to Manage Your Employees When They’re All Carrying Guns

“I’m the kind of person who is embarrassed to lie,” says ‘Freeway’ Rick Ross. Not the words you would expect to come from a convicted felon. Rick built an empire, a drug empire that…

“I’m the kind of person who is embarrassed to lie,” says ‘Freeway’ Rick Ross. Not the words you would expect to come from a convicted felon. Rick built an empire, a drug empire that is, the notorious LA crack cocaine empire. But the man who built this is not an evil man as you might suspect. He is charitable, […]

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Gretchen Rubin: Why being “not unhappy” is killing you

Is it morally appropriate to be happy? Yes, yes and yes! That’s a triple yes – not to be confused with a triple Claudia. Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, never…

Is it morally appropriate to be happy? Yes, yes and yes! That’s a triple yes – not to be confused with a triple Claudia. Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project, never thought about happiness. Like most of us, she took happiness for granted. She wrote The Happiness Project because she wanted to appreciate what already made her […]

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Tim Ryan: The Congressman Who Meditates

Ask yourself, “Am I feeling stressed?” Don’t think about your answer. Don’t judge it. Just recognize it. Recognize your stress. Say, “I notice I am feeling stressed.” Scan your body. Think about your…

Ask yourself, “Am I feeling stressed?” Don’t think about your answer. Don’t judge it. Just recognize it. Recognize your stress. Say, “I notice I am feeling stressed.” Scan your body. Think about your feet. Can you feel them? Can you feel the souls of your feet? Breathe. You feel what you think. If you’re mentally stressed, […]

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Dr. Wayne Dyer: A Test to See If You Are Ordinary

It’s a question many of us are too afraid to answer… “Is this as good as it gets?” Perhaps you feel that way from time to time. You get stuck in an…

It’s a question many of us are too afraid to answer… “Is this as good as it gets?” Perhaps you feel that way from time to time. You get stuck in an unfulfilling job. You get stuck with a mortgage you can barely pay, in a house that didn’t make you any happier than your […]

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