Blog Category: Uncategorized

Reasons why I didn't Want to do Yoga

My wife was arguing with me about why I should do yoga. (Click on her link to see why she is so into yoga). So she made this video of all the…

My wife was arguing with me about why I should do yoga. (Click on her link to see why she is so into yoga). So she made this video of all the excuses people use to avoid yoga. Most of these excuses were mine. 9 Lame Excuses for Avoiding Yoga:

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Kosher Sex, Uri Geller the psychic, and How I Met my Wife

“Judaism is a SCAM”, my friend who is an analyst at [tier one investment bank]  instant messaged me. “How come?” I wrote back “Well, for one thing, Jacob’s wives weren’t Jewish, right?…

“Judaism is a SCAM”, my friend who is an analyst at [tier one investment bank]  instant messaged me. “How come?” I wrote back “Well, for one thing, Jacob’s wives weren’t Jewish, right? And since all Jews are descended from him and since the ability to say you are ‘Jewish’ comes from if your mother is […]

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Why I'm an optimist

I’m telling you right now to pull the plug on me and let me die. Whatever reader who is reading this that is closest to the plug, please unplug it and just…

I’m telling you right now to pull the plug on me and let me die. Whatever reader who is reading this that is closest to the plug, please unplug it and just let me die. There’s an ipod in my heart and it just needs charging in order for me to keep going, living a […]

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Things I Refuse to Worry about in 2011

I began worrying in 1995. I had two jobs: my fulltime job at HBO during the day and by night I was starting a company which built websites for other companies. In…

I began worrying in 1995. I had two jobs: my fulltime job at HBO during the day and by night I was starting a company which built websites for other companies. In the summer of 1995 I would work all day at HBO and then at night was building and I had deadlines […]

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Girl with the Name that was a Curse

I only met a girl once in a bar that I actually fell hard for. It was the bar at El Quijote, which was  a restaurant attached to The Chelsea Hotel. The…

I only met a girl once in a bar that I actually fell hard for. It was the bar at El Quijote, which was  a restaurant attached to The Chelsea Hotel. The restaurant itself is great and underappreciated by the foodies who love to go the latest momofukos or wherever the latest hip restaurants are. […]

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Prostitutes, drugs, HBO, and the best job ever at 3 in the morning

The best job I ever had was interviewing prostitutes, junkies, homeless kids, and other random creatures at three in the morning. I did it for about two and a half years. People…

The best job I ever had was interviewing prostitutes, junkies, homeless kids, and other random creatures at three in the morning. I did it for about two and a half years. People who knew me then ask me now, “how did you go from interviewing drug dealers to doing stuff with stocks?”  Isn’t it the […]

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Is it bad that I originally wanted my first kid to be aborted?

Is it bad that I wanted my now ex-wife to have an abortion before she had my first kid? I don’t know what it was, other than stark fear. I was the…

Is it bad that I wanted my now ex-wife to have an abortion before she had my first kid? I don’t know what it was, other than stark fear. I was the worst husband. I would go out all night and play poker during the nine months she was pregnant.  I couldn’t handle the fact […]

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