Blog Category: Trading

Ask James: Moving up the Career Ladder, Marijuana, Ambition, The Presidency, Cramer, and More

SHOULD YOU BE YOURSELF? Tania Hew ‏@taniahew: Interested in your take on advice to be yourself when seeking leadership roles/new jobs. Answer: Everyone puts on a mask when they wake up in…

SHOULD YOU BE YOURSELF? Tania Hew ‏@taniahew: Interested in your take on advice to be yourself when seeking leadership roles/new jobs. Answer: Everyone puts on a mask when they wake up in the morning. They have different masks for different occasions. I have my father mask, my partner mask, my lover mask, my friend mask. […]

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Ask James: How to Change Careers, How to Disappoint, Do I Follow My Own Advice, Is the Market Rigged, and More

WHAT MADE YOU THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY? ALHolm ‏@holm__: can u pinpoint an event that changed you into the person you are today? ANSWER: Yes.  I was depressed because I had…

WHAT MADE YOU THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY? ALHolm ‏@holm__: can u pinpoint an event that changed you into the person you are today? ANSWER: Yes.  I was depressed because I had just spent twenty years or more trying to make everyone happy. My friends, my family, my bosses, my investors, my colleagues, my employees, […]

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What To Do When You Lose Everything

A good friend of mine lost all his money yesterday. Two nights ago he wrote me: ZNGA had bad earnings, it’s down 40% after hours. If it opens up here in the…

A good friend of mine lost all his money yesterday. Two nights ago he wrote me: ZNGA had bad earnings, it’s down 40% after hours. If it opens up here in the morning then my account will be shut down, I will lose all my money, I will owe the bank money, and I will […]

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Who Makes Money on Wall Street?

I came up with an ultra-perfect top-secret method for beating the stock market. I saw it right there on the screen after thirty straight hours of computer programming. My heart was beating…

I came up with an ultra-perfect top-secret method for beating the stock market. I saw it right there on the screen after thirty straight hours of computer programming. My heart was beating fast. I was sweating when I went to sleep. I could only sleep for about two or three hours and I had to […]

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Is It Ok To Drink Your Own Urine?

“If you drink your urine 7 times then on the seventh time, its toxic,” Martina said at the dinner table. We were eating pasta that I had cooked. “How do they know…

“If you drink your urine 7 times then on the seventh time, its toxic,” Martina said at the dinner table. We were eating pasta that I had cooked. “How do they know that?” I said. “I don’t know,” she said, “I just heard that.” We were talking about surviving in the desert and you are […]

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The Best Trader In the World Worked for Bernie Madoff

The night Bernie Madoff got caught for running a $60 billion Ponzi scheme I got a call from my friend “Eddie” (not his real name) who for many years worked for Madoff.…

The night Bernie Madoff got caught for running a $60 billion Ponzi scheme I got a call from my friend “Eddie” (not his real name) who for many years worked for Madoff. I couldn’t tell if he was crying but he was very upset. “I can’t believe it,” he said, “Bernie was like a father […]

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Its Your Fault

At Barnes & Noble at Union Square a cop approached me, “Sir?” right after I walked in. When a cop approaches you so many things go through your mind. The guy clearly…

At Barnes & Noble at Union Square a cop approached me, “Sir?” right after I walked in. When a cop approaches you so many things go through your mind. The guy clearly had a gun. Somehow I was in trouble. I touched a book. Maybe he thought I would steal it. It brought back memories […]

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