Blog Category: Quit Your Job

Ask James: Moving up the Career Ladder, Marijuana, Ambition, The Presidency, Cramer, and More

SHOULD YOU BE YOURSELF? Tania Hew ‏@taniahew: Interested in your take on advice to be yourself when seeking leadership roles/new jobs. Answer: Everyone puts on a mask when they wake up in…

SHOULD YOU BE YOURSELF? Tania Hew ‏@taniahew: Interested in your take on advice to be yourself when seeking leadership roles/new jobs. Answer: Everyone puts on a mask when they wake up in the morning. They have different masks for different occasions. I have my father mask, my partner mask, my lover mask, my friend mask. […]

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Ask James: Youth, How To Get Smarter, Lady Gaga, Paul Krugman, and Who Would I Take a Bullet For

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THE STRESS OF GETTING OLDER? Kevin Koskella ‏@kevinkoskella: James, how do you deal with the stress of getting older and the feeling that the years are flying…

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THE STRESS OF GETTING OLDER? Kevin Koskella ‏@kevinkoskella: James, how do you deal with the stress of getting older and the feeling that the years are flying by? ANSWER: Aging, decay, death, is a horrible part of life. And it happens to every atom, cell, molecule, animal, human. But it’s […]

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The Trillion Dollar Lies

I feel bad. I feel like a sucker. Like one by one I fell for every lie. I talk about “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, and yet I fell for all…

I feel bad. I feel like a sucker. Like one by one I fell for every lie. I talk about “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, and yet I fell for all of them. I’ve been in everything from a cult to the cult of homeownership, the cult of college, the cult of sex, the […]

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10 More Reasons You Need to Quit Your Job Right Now!

The other day I met a guy who had worked for 38 years at GM. He wasn’t in the union and he wasn’t a high level executive. So consequently, when the rock…

The other day I met a guy who had worked for 38 years at GM. He wasn’t in the union and he wasn’t a high level executive. So consequently, when the rock of corporate safety in America over the past century went bankrupt he got nothing. No pension, no insurance, no savings. The unions got […]

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10 Reasons You Need to Quit Your Job

I fell straight down and broke both my legs right in the middle of the street. Or strained them. Or something. Because I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards. I was walking…

I fell straight down and broke both my legs right in the middle of the street. Or strained them. Or something. Because I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards. I was walking on Wall Street with two partners in the private equity firm I had just become a partner at earlier that week.  This was […]

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