Blog Category: Money

10 Lessons I’ve Learned From Shark Tank

I just pitched a business reality show. I went to LA, pitched to nine networks. It went well. The first business reality TV show I watched in my life was Shark Tank.…

I just pitched a business reality show. I went to LA, pitched to nine networks. It went well. The first business reality TV show I watched in my life was Shark Tank. I’ve watched every episode. I force my kids to watch it. I’ve studied every aspect of the show. I’ve had many of the […]

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What To Do When You Lose $9 Million In A Day

I lost $9 million while I was on the set of the pilot of “Billions” season one, long before it became the huge hit it would be. It was fascinating watching the…

I lost $9 million while I was on the set of the pilot of “Billions” season one, long before it became the huge hit it would be. It was fascinating watching the shoot. I asked the director a ton of questions, the actors, the writers, etc. I love to learn. And I love to see […]

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WILL THERE BE RECESSION IN 2019? DEFINITELY NOT! Here’s why, here’s the counter-argument, here’s what you should do: A recession doesn’t mean “bear market”. A bear market is when the stock market…

WILL THERE BE RECESSION IN 2019? DEFINITELY NOT! Here’s why, here’s the counter-argument, here’s what you should do: A recession doesn’t mean “bear market”. A bear market is when the stock market goes down 20% or more. A recession means two quarters in a row of negative growth in the economy. It means people have […]

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How I Make Money Off Of Trends…

I visited Google a few months ago with some friends and, after almost getting arrested, my mind was blown… First, we wandered into the garage where they were actually making or fixing…

I visited Google a few months ago with some friends and, after almost getting arrested, my mind was blown… First, we wandered into the garage where they were actually making or fixing the driver-less cars. When they finally realized we were wandering around, security had to escort us out. We got scared and we thought […]

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10 Ways Honesty Is Going To Make You More Money

I like how NBC thinks it’s got one over on us. You go, NBC! “We’re not going to have any business relationship with Donald Trump anymore! Particularly that trashy Miss Universe contest…

I like how NBC thinks it’s got one over on us. You go, NBC! “We’re not going to have any business relationship with Donald Trump anymore! Particularly that trashy Miss Universe contest he thinks he owns.” Good job, NBC! Yesterday: NBC invests $250 million in Buzzfeed. Today’s Buzzfeed headline: “The Disney princes are total hunks”. […]

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10 Things More Valuable Than Money

From 3am until about 11pm every single day, every single moment, I was worried about money for 12 years. When I was a little boy I never worried about money. When I…

From 3am until about 11pm every single day, every single moment, I was worried about money for 12 years. When I was a little boy I never worried about money. When I was in college I never worried about money (well, I needed $20 per day to live until I was about 25 years old.). […]

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The Best Advice Ever To A Teenage Daughter Who Needs To Make Money

She said “No” to me and slammed the door. She was on my paper route. I asked out every girl on my paper route. All three of them. I liked having a…

She said “No” to me and slammed the door. She was on my paper route. I asked out every girl on my paper route. All three of them. I liked having a captive audience. I’d hand them the paper and say, “Want to go to a movie?” They all said “No.” Well, one girl said, […]

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