Blog Category: Investing

Some People Were Upset At Me

Real conversation between two traders, July 5, 2010 (about a year ago): The conversation took place on Skype, 8am: The characters: LARRY is a retired hedge fund manager. JULIE, manages a billion…

Real conversation between two traders, July 5, 2010 (about a year ago): The conversation took place on Skype, 8am: The characters: LARRY is a retired hedge fund manager. JULIE, manages a billion in assets for an institutional money manager. JULIE called LARRY… JULIE: Are you watching this on TV? Aren’t you friends with that guy? […]

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Why I Would Rather Shoot Myself In the Head Than Own a Home

I only had one friend in MySpace when I joined in 2005. “Tom”. In fact, all 100 million people who had joined MySpace had one friend. “Tom”. He welcomed us all to…

I only had one friend in MySpace when I joined in 2005. “Tom”. In fact, all 100 million people who had joined MySpace had one friend. “Tom”. He welcomed us all to our new cyber home and made us feel as comfortable as possible there. “Tom” is Tom Anderson, a cofounder of the MySpace, the […]

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Its Your Fault

At Barnes & Noble at Union Square a cop approached me, “Sir?” right after I walked in. When a cop approaches you so many things go through your mind. The guy clearly…

At Barnes & Noble at Union Square a cop approached me, “Sir?” right after I walked in. When a cop approaches you so many things go through your mind. The guy clearly had a gun. Somehow I was in trouble. I touched a book. Maybe he thought I would steal it. It brought back memories […]

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When $12 Million Was Stolen And Nobody Did Anything About It

“We’ve determined he’s stolen at least $12 million cash from his investors and put it in a Swiss bank account under his own name. We tracked down the account.” Lewis, the head…

“We’ve determined he’s stolen at least $12 million cash from his investors and put it in a Swiss bank account under his own name. We tracked down the account.” Lewis, the head of a multi-billion dollar fund of funds was telling me this on the phone. Lewis had about $30mm invested with David. I had […]

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Trading Stocks The Week after 9/11

I hate that the news stream is filled with news about Osama. Probably it will be all day. Such memories of helplessness it brings back for everyone. I was four blocks from…

I hate that the news stream is filled with news about Osama. Probably it will be all day. Such memories of helplessness it brings back for everyone. I was four blocks from the World Trade Center, standing on the corner of Reade and Church at 8:45am. Dan asked me, is Air Force One coming to […]

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10 Reasons You Should Never Own Stocks Again

I’m really bullish on stocks and the economy but I don’t think most people should waste their money investing in stocks. You might as well flush it down the toilet. Or throw a…

I’m really bullish on stocks and the economy but I don’t think most people should waste their money investing in stocks. You might as well flush it down the toilet. Or throw a big party. We already went over that. And please don’t buy a home. Just relax a little bit if you have some extra money. […]

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8 Unusual Things I Learned From Warren Buffett

In 2003 I really disliked Warren Buffett. Like, I personally hated him. After 9/11 he stated “We’re going to have something in the way of a major nuclear event in this country.…

In 2003 I really disliked Warren Buffett. Like, I personally hated him. After 9/11 he stated “We’re going to have something in the way of a major nuclear event in this country. It will happen. Whether it will happen in 10 years or 10 minutes, or 50 years … it’s virtually a certainty.” Everyone on […]

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