Blog Category: Entrepreneurship

The 100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur

If you Google “entrepreneur” you get a lot of mindless cliches like “Think Big!” For me, being an “entrepreneur” doesn’t mean starting the next “Facebook”. Or even starting any business at all.…

If you Google “entrepreneur” you get a lot of mindless cliches like “Think Big!” For me, being an “entrepreneur” doesn’t mean starting the next “Facebook”. Or even starting any business at all. It means finding the challenges you have in your life, and determining creative ways to overcome those challenges… I believe that creating multiple […]

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How I Helped Mark Cuban Make a Billion Dollars and 5 Things I Learned from Him

Mark Cuban’s company, AudioNet (later named, called me up in 1997 because they desperately needed my help in order for Cuban to become the billionaire he rightfully became.  They wined me,…

Mark Cuban’s company, AudioNet (later named, called me up in 1997 because they desperately needed my help in order for Cuban to become the billionaire he rightfully became.  They wined me, dined me, called me up every day, until finally I granted them their wish. I don’t follow every aspect of Mark Cuban’s career. […]

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The Easiest Way to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

I was the worst pizza delivery guy. Fraternity guys would chase after me as I was peeling out of their driveways after a delivery.  Why? The sauce and cheese fell all to…

I was the worst pizza delivery guy. Fraternity guys would chase after me as I was peeling out of their driveways after a delivery.  Why? The sauce and cheese fell all to one side.  I couldn’t help it. I also never got tips. Wende, my partner in our restaurant delivery business, always got tips. But […]

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10 Reasons You Need to Quit Your Job

I fell straight down and broke both my legs right in the middle of the street. Or strained them. Or something. Because I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards. I was walking…

I fell straight down and broke both my legs right in the middle of the street. Or strained them. Or something. Because I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards. I was walking on Wall Street with two partners in the private equity firm I had just become a partner at earlier that week.  This was […]

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The Power of Networking

I gave advice recently to a company I know that was starting to get nervous about how to sharpen up their business given the recession that is occurring. Every time I visited…

I gave advice recently to a company I know that was starting to get nervous about how to sharpen up their business given the recession that is occurring. Every time I visited my friend, the CEO of the company, we’d try to get a conference room to hang out in and we couldn’t find any […]

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